
Savage Nihilism & Ciklo - Never Like You

Savage Nihilism ft Ciklo - I'm The Virus

Ingravity - Planet Nine

ChôKô X Tardigrade - MONNA

Phosphene 02 – Psychosis

I was finally awake, I think. I stood up, went to grab a cup and pour myself some coffee. That’s when I realized it was still there in the corner of my eye. It was tough and somehow painful to distinguish what it was, exactly. I was focusing on figuring out if it would look more like a living creature or just a strange inert shape, but the more I looked, the less I was able to tell. Maybe it was both, maybe neither, but I am not even sure this was the point in the end. The thing started to slowly take more and more space in my field of vision, and I realized it was starting again. I fell asleep, or woke up, I have no idea anymore. I started to hear sounds and lights coming towards me. I took the opportunity and started recording, I will have proof that I am not hearing those stuff only in my mind this time.

Release Date